
Friday, February 21, 2014

♥My Favorite Masks/ Packs ♥

This post will be all about my favorite and weekly used facial masks and packs. Before leaving to Korea I did not care too much for my skin and occasionally used facial sheet mask (which probably explains my crazy acne breakouts), but I discovered a whole new world of skin care during my time there.

My first product is the Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask (with scoria and green complex)
I use this clay mask once a week to tighten up the pores that got bigger because of all the makeup. There is not much to explain about the formula as it is a clay-base so you put it on and wait till it dries up. I apply it with a mask brush because I feel I save more product that way, but using your fingers work perfectly well. This product is very popular in Korea, and I had to go to several stores to find it because it was all sold out. After cleaning my face, I apply my toner first (in case of any excess makeup) and apply a thin layer of this product with my brush. It usually takes15-20 minutes to completely dry. When washing off the product I gently massage the mask because it consists of minuscule beads that makes my pores squeaky clean. It definitely cleans and tightens up my pores mostly on my cheeks and forhead, but it does not get rid of a lot of the blackheads on my nose.

Overall, after using this product my face looks a lot brighter and my makeup looks a lot better the following day. 

My second product is the Face Shop White Jewel Peeling Mask
The name of the product basically sums of the product. It has a liquid-gel type formula that you massage all over your face to peel off all the dead skin cells as well as any dirt or leftover makeup. It works really quickly and it even gets the dead skin cells off my fingers as I apply the product. The directions say to massage it for 1~2 minutes but I only do it for 30 seconds and it still gets the work done. My face definitely looks a lot brighter and it becomes significantly softer. However, one important thing to note about peeling masks is the after care. Yes, peeling masks help to remove all the bad things on your face but it also removes a lot of the good things-- so moisturizing is KEY after using any peeling mask. I use this product once a week. 

This is the current peeling mask I am using, but my favorite one is the Innisfree Green Barley Gommage Peeling. I use the Faceshop Peeling Mask for 30 seconds because it makes my face sting if I use it any longer. It doesn't cause me any break out; however, it is not as gentle as the Innisfree Green Barley Peeling Mask-- I really recommend this one. Unfortunately, I couldn't buy the Innisfree one due to luggage weight, but it's AMAZING (just using the samples they gave me made a big difference). 

My third product is the Faceshop Volcano Clay Black Head Clay Nose Pack--my holy grail mask for my nasty blackheads. 
When it comes to masks, I prefer clay one because it just works the best for my skin. You basically spread a thin layer on your nose, wait for it to completely dry, and peel it off. As nasty as it may sound, your white heads and blackheads come off as you peel it. Something I recommend doing is using a dampened warm/hot towel and placing it over the nose for about thirty seconds (when I'm lazy I just cup hot water into my hands and place it on my nose :)). This will work to open up the pores/blackheads/ whiteheads on your nose. After drying the water, quickly apply a thin layer until it dries. After peeling the product off, I soak my nose in ice cold water to tighten/close up my clean nose.:)

Another product from the same line is the FaceShop Black Head Heating Gel Mask. 

I definitely find myself reaching for the Clay Mask rather than the Heating Gel Mask, but the Gel Mask is a lot more gentle. The product literally heats up your nose as you apply it and the directions say to massage it for about 10-15 minutes. As you massage the product, the clear gel turns into a grayish color. It contain minuscule beads to gently clean out the blackheads and the pores in your nose. 

My final products are the facial sheet masks. 
I feel like one dollar sheet masks work as well as expensive ones. Two tips I have are (1) keep them refrigerated and (2) don't keep them on for more than 20 minutes. 

Keeping the masks refrigerated will give your tired skin a cooling effect when applied on your face, which will work better to soak in the nutrients. ;)  Cheap masks work really well, but it is not recommended to keep them on for a long time. I know some people wait till the mask completely dries but your face probably soaked up the nutrients on the mask within the 20 minutes and keeping it on any longer will not allow your skin to breathe.

Another easy mask to try is the the egg white mask. I don't do this often, but I notice significant differences when I do. First, separate the white and yolk from an egg; second, beat the white until it becomes like bubbly foam; third, apply it all over your face- either with a brush or your fingers; fourth, wait for it to dry; and lastly, wash it off.

The egg white mask is already quite known, but from experience it really works. Your makeup the next day looks noticeably better and your skin gets brighter. BUT don't forget to use fresh eggs! :)

Hope this post was interesting and you got something out of it!
Thanks for dropping by!♥♥♥

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Favorite Lip Products ☆☆

Hello! My second official post will be about my favorite lip products! For a while, I only used lip tints because they were a quick and easy way to bring color to the lips. However, I recently discovered some awesome L'Oreal lip glosses I will be discussing below! As of now, my collection only consists of tints and glosses. I've been out on a hunt for the perfect lipstick color, but I just feel like lipsticks don't work with my lips-- no matter what color or brand, I look like a little girl putting on a mom's lipstick. If I do find the one for my lip color, I will be sure to update! ♥ Hope you enjoy!

Blistex Lip Medex

This is my ultimate favorite lip balm. It's an inexpensive product you can pick up at any drug store. It works the best after Vaselines. What I like about this product is that it gives a cooling relief when applied. Also, many lip balms I have tried always make my lips peel (even Burt's Bees), but this one doesn't. The size of the balm makes it very easy to carry around and the balm also has a minty scent to it, so it gives your mouth a freshened feel. I always apply this balm before I sleep to make my lip products apply easily the next day. 

L'Oreal Paris Colour Caresse Wet Shine Lip Stain 
This product stood out to me because I heard it was a dupe for the YSL's Rouge Pur Couture. Firstly, I really like the gold packaging and how we are able to see the colors-- this made it so much easier to choose. I picked up # 184 Rose On and On, which is a light pink/ rosy color. The gloss has a floral scent that isn't too harsh and comes with a doe-foot applicator. It applies very smoothly and a small amount goes a long way. The consistency of product is like a lip-gloss, but the color stains your lips after being applied. So, the glossiness goes away after a few hours, but the stain last for a longer time (from 9:30 AM - 5 PM I only applied the stain twice). One con about this product is that it peels my lips towards the end of the day, but other than that I'm really satisfied! 

L'Oreal Colour Riche Extraordinaire Lip Color
My second favorite is the L'Oreal Colour Riche Extraordinaire Lip Color in #500 Molto Mauve. This is a darker pink lip gloss. Though the gold packaging is very pretty, the color printed is not true to color. It also comes with a doe-foot applicator. The smell of this lip gloss is very sweet, but not in a bad way. This product is pretty much a lip gloss-- it doesn't stain the lips at all. The consistency of the product is pretty thick and it applies very smoothly. Because the color does not stain, it requires quite a bit of re-application through-out the day--usually after eating. On days when I want to tone down the color of my lip, I reach for this product! However, like my previous L'Oreal product it makes my lips peel :/ 

Innisfree Glossy Lip Locker
The Innisfree Glossy Lip Locker in #6 Maple Burgundy is my least favorite lip product. I know the topic of my post is "my favorite lip product" but I decided to include this because I love everything about it except the color. It has a thick consistency that tints my lips but the color that come off of my lips is not the color of the gloss in the package. The color comes off as a lighter red rather than burgundy (darker/richer red). It comes with a flocked doe-foot applicator and it doesn't have any scent. 

Benefit Cha Cha Tint  
My favorite coral tint is the Benefit Cha Cha Tint. The tint is long-lasting and it's also natural looking. On days when I'm running late, I'm always reaching for this product. It also works as a blush so thumbs-up for its multi-purpose use. One thing I don't like about this product is the brush applicator. I find that it applies somewhat unevenly. I enjoy using tints in a gradation effect of putting the color emphasis on the inner lips and gradually pulling the color out and this tint works the best for that! 

Etude House Fresh Cherry Tint

This product is a recently discovered JEWEL! During my time in Korea, I learned that tints were a huge thing so I followed the trend and bought a whole bunch before coming back. Just a few days ago, I opened the package and I fell in love with the scent. It's not anything unique but it has a very sweet cherry-scent-- it really makes you want to eat it. The color is RD 301 앵두알 맑은 틴트 and it comes with a flocked doe-foot applicator. I was surprised to see that the color was a brighter pink tone- almost a hot pink. I was pretty excited because it looked similar to the one Jun Ji Hyun, a famous Korea actress, wore in the drama My Love From the Star. It applied a litter darker/ redder than I expected, but was surprised me was how long-lasting it was. I put it on at around 9:30 AM and my lips were still stained by 5:00 PM-- without any reapplication. 

Innisfree Echo Fruit Tint & A'pieu Pure Tint

To continue my purchases of tints in Korea, I've also been using the Innisfree Echo Fruit Tint in #01 Cherry and the A'Pieu Pure Tint in Cherry. I find myself buying a lot of cherry tints because it works well for the gradation effect. These two tints are just basics I carry around in my backpack or bag with me all the time. On days when I don't put on makeup but still want some color, I reach for these tints. They are a pure liquid tint and they both come with a flocked doe-foot applicator. They both smell like cherry cough medication. 

☆☆☆ I have swatched all of the products reviewed above. 

         1. L'Oreal Paris Colour Caresse Wet Shine Lip Stain 
         2. L'Oreal Colour Riche Extraordinaire Lip Color 
         3. Innisfree Glossy Lip Locker 
         4. Benefit Cha Cha Tint 
         5. Etude House Fresh Cherry Tint 
         6. Innisfree Echo Fruit Tint & A'Pieu Pure Tint 

☆☆☆Theses are swatches of the products after I wiped it with a cotton pad. As I stated before, the L'Oreal Colour Riche Extraordinaire Lip Color wiped away completely but it still left the glossy feel. 

☆☆☆ These are swatches of the products after wiping them with makeup wipes. The two most visible and long-lasting ones were the Benefit Cha Cha Tint and the Etude House Fresh Cherry Tint. 

Thanks so much to everyone who dropped by! ♥ I hope you got something out of it! :) 

With Love, 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

My Daily Night Time Routine ♥

Hello again! :) My first official post will be my daily night time routine. I will be giving my opinions on the products I use and the steps I take! Hope you enjoy!  

Removing the Makeup: Eye/Face

This is the most important step! Firstly, I have been using the Maybelline Clean Express Wateproof Eye Makeup Remover and I really like it. The bottle says its oil-free, but I'm not completely sure about that. It does a great job getting my makeup off and doesn't cause irritation like many other removers do. I use the waterproof eye makeup remover by applying the remover onto a cotton pad. It's important not to rub the cotton when you put it on your eye.To get the makeup off, gently place the cotton on the eye and wait for the remover to dissolve the stubborn makeup. Then, dip cutips into the remover to get any leftover eyeliner or mascara. For the face, I use makeup wipes. I have been using the Costo Kirkland Facial Wipes for years and they work perfectly well for me. It's gentle on the face, but get a lot of the makeup off. Because I'm running low, I picked up the L'Oreal Ideal Clean removers, but haven't tried them yet. A tip for make-up wipes is leave them in the refrigerator. It has a cooling effect and the wipes won't dry up. 


I use the Iope Derma Professional Auto Cleanser along with the Kracie Naive Face Wash to cleanse my face. I REALLY LOVE my Iope Cleanser. The idea is similar to a Clarisonic but it's something I can use everyday. It gets all the excess makeup and my pores clean! Last year, I broke out several times without a reason, but after using this cleanser, I realized it was because I didn't wash off my makeup completely.
I picked up the Kracie Naive Face Wash at an Asian beauty store and it seems to work well. No breakouts.After using the Iope Cleanser, I use the Victoria Lanolin-Agg-Tval Swedish Eggwhite Soap as my last step. When I was in Korea, my aunt bought me this soap because my skin was so bad. Egg whites are known to tighten up pores and the soap has been doing me well.

Toner and Lotion 
I included three of the toner I have been using for the past few months. I began using the Clinique Clarifying Lotion 2 about a year ago. Apparently, toner with alcohol is not recommended because it drys the skin, but it works to get the excess makeup off even after cleaning the face (yes, there is still makeup left even after washing it.) I didn't experience any breakouts with the Clarifying Lotion, but the alcohol smell really bothered me a lot. After returning from Korea, I started breaking out a little so I bought the Clinique Acne Solution Clarifying Lotion, which was highly recommended. It consists of salicylic acid so I thought it would work but it actually worsened my skin. My skin got extremely dry and I broke out even more. My third solution was trying a toner that was alcohol-free so I got my hands on the Clarins Toning Lotion- Normal/Dry Skin. I really like it so far! Because it's alcohol-free it very gentle on the face and I didn't experience any breakout- it smells very sweet too! 
My favorite lotion has been the Clinique Dramatically Moisturizing Lotion +. I've been using this lotion for the past year as well and it definitely keeps my skin hydrated and it is very lightweight. 

I use the Clinique Moisture Surge Intense Skin Fortifying Hydrator to follow up my routine. I have extremely dry skin and I find this moisturizer to work the best. It absorbs pretty quickly, but I would not say it is lightweight, which is good for moisturizers you put on at night. Then, I use either my Innisfree bija anti-trouble spot essence W (for white heads/ just forming pimples) or the Innisfree bija anti-trouble spot essence R (for redder pimples/ scars). Theses products were recommended to me by a friend so I picked them up while I was in Korea. There are no quick noticeable differences but the essence R really helped the scars on my forehead face away. 
For eye cream, I use the Nature Republic Original Power Wrinkle Eye Cream. I'm pretty neutral about this product. I don't yet have saggy or noticeable wrinkly eyes so I can't really tell if the product works. But I heard women should start putting eye cream at a younger age! 

Acne/ Pimple Treatment
Pretty much my holy grail! This is the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion. You use a cutip to get the pink product on the bottom and dab it on any new pimples or existing ones. It works the fastest and gets the work done. I put it on before I sleep and my pimples usually get smaller by the morning. :) You can either order it online or buy it at Nordstrom or Ulta. 

I don't always use this product, but it's the Nature Republic Argan Oil. On days when my skin looks extra tired or dry, I mix two or so drops with my Clinique Moisturizer and use it as a sleeping pack to rehydrate my face. 

This then concludes my Daily Night Time Routine. I hope it helped!   

Welcome to New Simply Beauty ♥

Hello! My name is Ahra Jung and I am currently a third year in college. I've gained an interest for makeup during the past few years and have always wanted to start something up.. but never had the courage. I was constantly thinking about wanting to start a blog or Youtube channel but haven't done so till now.  I ultimately decided on taking my first step by creating this blog because life's too short to care about what others think! It is! Beauty and makeup is something I'm passionate about... I know I'm no professional but it's definitely something I enjoy doing and sharing. I've learned a lot about makeup through blogs like these so I thought sharing my tips and reviews may help others. Thanks again for dropping by!  ♥